Whaling And Bailing Mac OS

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Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects

Project Title


This program is designed for operation on Windows 95 or Mac OS System 7.11. The Mac OS partition has not been tested, however it is confirmed to run on Windows XP with Windows 95 compatibility and 256 color mode set in Compatibility settings. This program is designed for operation on Windows 95 or Mac OS System 7.11. The Mac OS partition has not been tested, however it is confirmed to run on Windows XP with Windows 95 compatibility and 256 color mode set in Compatibility settings. Mac OS 6 was just about perfect, user-speed and interface-wise (and MultiFinder worked!), in the Olden Days. 7 was an utter joke, while 9 was OK for what it was, but felt rickety, as if it was. I'm trying to install GDAL 1.7.1 on Mac OS X Lion using: python setup.py build python setup.py install and get the error: running build running buildpy running buildext building 'osgeo.gdal'.



Whaling And Bailing Mac Os X

Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences (BCAS)

Date of Last Revision

2020-05-04 14:19:39



Whaling And Bailing Mac Os 11

Honors Course

3400 492 - Honors Project in History

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2020


In this honors research project, I intend to explore the effect of the whaling industry on women who lived in the community on the island of Nantucket, as well as how they affected the industry. The period I will focus on is the end of the 18th century through the middle of the 19th century, because this was the height of the whaling industry in the United States and during the majority of this time span Nantucket was home to the most active American whaling port, making it advantageous to examine the island’s community for my research. This project is worth doing because I think it is valuable to see how this microcosm on Nantucket fits into the larger picture of women’s roles in America between the 1700s and 1800s. Being able to look at one community and see how it fits into its time period as well as how it lines up with what comes before and after gives one a better understanding of the world around them.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Gina Martino

First Reader

Dr. Skull refuge mac os. Kevin Kern

Second Reader

Jump n drop mac os. Rosemarie Eichler https://torrentflash.mystrikingly.com/blog/between-dimensions-sanchezpaco-mac-os.

Honors Faculty Advisor

Whaling And Bailing Mac Os Download

Dr. Michael Graham

Recommended Citation

Whaling And Bailing Mac Os Catalina

Mitchell, Natalie, 'A Girl's Song: Recounting Women and the Nantucket Whaling Industry, 1750-1890' (2020). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1017.

Honors Project Approval page.pdf (28 kB)
Signatures of approval from department advisors

Included in

History of Gender Commons, History of Religion Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons


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