1. Curb Your Adaption Mac Os 11
  2. Curb Your Adaption Mac Os X
  3. Curb Your Adaption Mac Os Pro
  4. Curb Your Adaption Mac Os Catalina
  5. Curb Your Adaption Mac Os Update

Mac Accessibility Support Use the Accessibility Options panel on Mac The Accessibility Options panel offers shortcuts to quickly turn on or turn off common accessibility features such as Zoom, VoiceOver, and Sticky Keys. Learn about the Accessibility Options shortcut. Old Mac specs Disclaimer: All contents found on the Macintosh Repository website is uploaded by fans and is known to be abandonware but if you find copyrighted material on this archive, please let us know and a moderator will remove it. Follow the Download link - choose Free Software of Academic Development - at the bottom of the page, follow Build your Download Package. Select your platform as x8664-darwin, 2012. Click on GNAT 2012, then on gnat-gpl-2012-x8664-apple-darwin10.8.0-bin.tar.gz (this contains all you'll need for the moment). You'll also need Xcode (free with Mac.

Magic mermaid slot machine. Instant Client Release Notes

12c Release 2 (12.2) for Apple Mac OS X (Intel)


June 2017


This document contains important information that was not included in the platform-specific or product-specific documentation for this release.

Moon slasher mac os. This document supplements Oracle Database Readme.

This document may be updated after it is released. You can check for updates to this document and view other Oracle documentation at

This document contains the following topics:

1.2 Certification Information

The latest certification information for Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2) is available on My Oracle Support at

1.3 Unsupported Products


The following features or products are not supported on Apple Mac OS X:


  • Pro*COBOL

1.4 Other Known Issues

The following section contains information about the issue related to Oracle Database Instant Client 12c:

Pro*C Does Not Support C99 Headers

The Pro*C parser fails to recognize C99 headers on Apple Mac OS X El Captain, Apple Mac OS X Yosemite, and Apple Mac OS X Mavericks.

This issue has no workaround.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 16061064.

1.5 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Database Instant Client Release Notes, 12c Release 2 (12.2) for Apple Mac OS X (Intel)


Copyright © 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Authors: Bharathi Jayathirtha, (primary author)

Contributing Authors: (contributing author), (contributing author)

Contributors: (contributor), (contributor)

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Hardware Requirements

Apple Macs must be set up with the following specification to work successfully with Adapt:

  • Mac OS X – we recommend using the latest version of the Operating System

  • 2.53 Intel Core 2 Duo

  • 2GB RAM

To check your MAC configuration, select the apple icon, then ‘About this Mac’:

Software Requirements

In addition, the following software must be installed to use Adapt and its features:

  • Desktop versions of Microsoft Word and Excel (Office 2011 or 2016 for Mac). Please Note Office 365 Web Application versions of Word and Excel are not currently supported for use with Adapt.

Email Clients

Adapt uses an email Client to support external email integration and Adapt add-ins. Users need to have one of the following email accounts to integrate:

  • Gmail (using a Chrome browser)

  • An Office365 subscription that includes ‘Exchange Online’ (Microsoft subscriptions are required for this). Accounts which currently comply are:

Curb Your Adaption Mac Os 11

  1. Office365 Enterprise E1, E3 and E5

  2. Office365 Business Essentials

  3. Office365 Business Premium

However please note that Office365 Business Essentials and Office365 Enterprise E1 do not include desktop versions of word and excel.

Internet Browser Requirements

Adapt is currently supported on the following browsers:

  • Firefox (with latest updates)

  • Google Chrome browser (with latest updates)

We recommend that toolbars such as Google are disabled. Cybermonk mac os. The reason for this is that these toolbars have their own pop up blockers and may cause conflicts with Adapt.


Curb Your Adaption Mac Os X

Any pop-up blocker installed must be set to allow pop-ups generated by the website used to access Adapt.

The address used to access Adapt should be added to the trusted sites within the browser.

For performance and stability reasons, any anti-virus software present should be set so it does not attempt to scan the website through which Adapt is accessed, nor the plug-in folders it uses. Normally, such software includes a “white list” or “safe site” function for this purpose. For further guidance on this point, please speak to Adapt Support.

If a proxy server is in use within the network, we would strongly suggest modifications are made to allow users to bypass the proxy when accessing Adapt. Most proxy servers, whilst performing their function, will slow down access to any web site.

Installing Adapt Desktop Agent

Curb Your Adaption Mac Os Pro

The latest version of Adapt ADA will be provided to you by Bullhorn to be installed on your Apple Mac. This is a program designed to manage the integration with the user’s desktop word processor and email. It is installed and updated automatically from within Adapt.
When received, launch the application and double click on the installer:

Curb Your Adaption Mac Os Catalina

Once installed, you will get the following message:

Curb Your Adaption Mac Os Update

And the Adapt ADA icon will appear on your menu bar: